How To Keep Cool During Summer Pregnancy

This summer weather here in Nottingham has totally blown my mind. I honestly don't ever remember a summer like it, consistently hot with bursts of tropical rain here and there.  I can't even begin to imagine how it feels to be pregnant during one of the hottest summers on record, its so hot you really can't escape it, unless your sat on your bathroom floor ... as I am now typing this - its the coolest place in the house! 

Did you know, the extra blood flow created by baby boosts body metabolism by about 20%, creating more body heat and making pregnant women less likely to feel the cold. A pregnant woman's core body temperature will often rise to about 37.8°C, when it is normally 37°C - thats pretty hot right. 

I've put together a few helpful tips on how to stay cool safely whilst pregnant this summer, if this can help at least one person then my job is done!

1. Look after swollen feet and hands / Reduce salt intake

Hot weather can cause your hands and feet to swell even more so than usual, so consider removing rings and investing in a pair of shoes a size larger than you would normally wear, flip flops even better. Minimise salt intake, because excess salt encourages water retention in the body. Keep your feet up as much as you can, and moisturise swollen areas frequently to make them feel more comfortable - foot massages from kind partners also welcome. 

2. Sleep wear / Nightime 

Whilst pregnant you may also suffer from night sweats. Hormonal changes in pregnancy intensify the body's predisposition to heat and can bring on hot flushes. Try to use a pillow made of feather or down rather than synthetic materials, and ensure nightwear is made of breathable cotton or linen. Wet flannels on your body, feet and around your neck, even filling a hot water bottle with cold water and freezing it will help just before bed. 

3. Stay hydrated

On average pregnant woman should be drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. Don't wait until you feel thirsty before reaching for a drink: by the time your body registers thirst you are already suffering from the effects of dehydration. So, take a bottle of water with you everywhere you go. Cutting back on the caffeine will help too!

4. Exercise in water

 A workout in the water is an ideal solution to keep moving but avoiding overheating. Try an aqua-natal exercise class at your local swimming pool!

5. Use fragrance to cool down

Funnily enough certain fragrances can cool you off. Mandarin and Neroli essential oils are known for their cooling properties - perfect when you're feeling hot and flustered. Spritz over your body and face to cool off. 

Also leaving a glass of ice in front of your fan to blow around the cold air works a treat! Avoid ice cold baths and freezing showers as your body will automatically try and warm you up afterwards making life ten times harder than it was before. 

And lastly! Make sure you've booked your newborn shoot with hfgphotography in advance to save your space when baby arrives! 

If your expecting a baby this summer, contact me here for more information on newborn shoots. 

Stay cool guys!


